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User Manual for the Online Application System
2020-07-14      作者:

China (Shanghai) International Youth Football Invitational 2020

User Manual for the Online Application System

July 2020

 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.      Prelude. PAGEREF _Toc45645111 \h 3

2.      Operating Procedure. PAGEREF _Toc45645112 \h 3

2.1 Entrance. PAGEREF _Toc45645113 \h 3

2.2 Account Registration. PAGEREF _Toc45645114 \h 4

2.2.1 Fill in Registration Information. PAGEREF _Toc45645115 \h 4

2.2.2 Log in. PAGEREF _Toc45645116 \h 5

2.2.3 Reset Password. PAGEREF _Toc45645117 \h 5

2.3 Team Information Management PAGEREF _Toc45645118 \h 7

2.4 Player Information Management PAGEREF _Toc45645119 \h 8

2.5 Instructor Information Management PAGEREF _Toc45645120 \h 10

2.6 Application for the Competitions. PAGEREF _Toc45645121 \h 11

2.6.1 Application for Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge. PAGEREF _Toc45645122 \h 12

2.6.2 Application for Individual Football Skills Online Competition. PAGEREF _Toc45645123 \h 15

2.6.3 Application for Football Song Contest PAGEREF _Toc45645124 \h 18

2.6.4 Application for Football Photography Competition. PAGEREF _Toc45645125 \h 21

1.     Prelude

       This User Manual introduces in detail the functions of all modules of the system and the methods to use them, so as to enable the users to know how to use the system better, thus making it more convenient for them to apply for the event online. The target readers of this manual are the participant teams from various countries and regions competing in China (Shanghai) International Youth Football Invitational 2020.

2.     Operating Procedure

2.1 Entrance

Platform login location: the official website of China (Shanghai) International Youth Football Invitational 2020 (http://youthfootball.secsa.cn).

After login, please click “Apply Now”:

All the competitions of this year’s Youth Football Invitational accept team application only. Individual application will not be accepted. If you meet the application requirements of this year’s event and want to participate in the individual competition, please contact your team leader and submit your application materials after account registration by your team. Thank you for your support and understanding!

The steps of application for this year’s event are listed as follows (the steps of application for the competitions are explained in the parts of each competition):

2.2 Account Registration

Find the “Registration” button under “Login” on the frontpage of the application system, and click it to enter the registration page:

2.2.1 Fill in Registration Information

All information on the registration page shall be filled in. To ensure that your information is correct and that the competition and award-giving processes will be smooth, please fill in the blanks carefully. Note: “Referrer Name” means the name of the contact person who has invited you to participate in this event. After you fill in all information for registration with the help of the information on the right side and click “Registration”, you will log in the application system automatically.

2.2.2 Log in

After registration, you will be redirected automatically to the application system. Later, please log in the system by filling in your username, password, and verification code on the frontpage of the application system.

2.2.3 Reset Password

Please try to remember the username and password of your team. If you forget your password, you may find it by answering the password question you set when you registered, and reset your password by clicking “Forget Password” on the frontpage. If you forget your password question and its answer, you may contact the organizing committee of the event by phone or by e-mail to reset your password.

The process is shown as follows:

Fill in the password question and its answer

Reset your password. Once you have successfully reset your password, you will log in the system automatically.

2.3 Team Information Management

After login, please fill in all items of team information before you apply for the competitions, because the application for the three competitions that follow needs to load some of the team information. All items of team information are obligatory. Please click the first button on the navigation bar located on the left side of the online application system to enter the page of team information management, and fill in the team information including:

Country or Region: Choose in the drop-down box

City of Team: When you fill in the name of the city, please follow the international standard. (e.g. Shanghai, Beijing)

Team Name: The system will automatically load the team name you used when you registered. If you want to change the name, please fill in the full name here.

Phone Number: When you fill in the phone number of the team, please follow the international standard. The format of telephone numbers: Country code + Provincial code (if necessary) + Subscriber number; the format of mobile phone numbers: Mobile country code + Mobile subscription identification number.

Team Logo: Please upload a correct and clear team logo. The suggested format is JPG.

Team Photo: Please upload a team photo where all players wear the team uniform. The instructors can also be included in the photo. The photo uploaded shall exceed 1M and shall be in JPG format.

Team Introduction: It introduces the general information of the team, and shall not exceed 500 words.

The page of team information management

2.4 Player Information Management

Click the button on the navigation bar located on the left side of the online application system to enter the page of player information management.

The page of player information management

On this page, you may add, modify, and delete players of your team. Each team can add at most 20 players, and the players added shall be U17 players (born after January 1, 2003 and before December 31, 2004) of the team.

There are two ways to add players:

(1) Download the player application form by clicking, fill in the information of players and import player information in a batch by clicking. Note: after you import player information in a batch, please click on the right side of each player one by one to upload the photos of the players; the file size of the photos shall be 626*413 pixels.

The template of player information downloaded is shown as follows:

(2) Click to add players one by one. All items of player information are obligatory.

2.5 Instructor Information Management

Click on the navigation bar to enter the page of instructor information management. There is only one way to add instructors. Please click to add instructors. The types of instructors include team leader, team manager, coach, and team doctor. All items of instructor information are obligatory.

2.6 Application for the Competitions

After login, click the fourth button on the navigation bar to enter the page of competition selection. This year’s event consists of four competitions, namely Team Football Skills Online Competition, Individual Football Skills Online Competition, Football Song Contest, and Football Photography Competition. For details of the competitions, please visit the official website of the Youth Football Invitational (http://youthfootball.secsa.cn) and check the contents of Notice of the Event.

To apply for a competition, click under it. The specific steps are shown as follows:

2.6.1 Application for Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge

The steps of application for Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge are shown as follows:

Click the “apply” button under “Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge” to enter the page of Instructions for Application.

(1) Watch the video introduction

Click the linkat the bottom of the page to watch the video introduction to this competition, which is shown as follows:

After watching the video, clickunder the link to enter the page of application for “Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge”.

(2) Upload your video for competition

Click to upload your video. Note that once the video is successfully uploaded, it is temporarily saved. You may click to watch it. If you want to modify or delete it, you may click the “x” button after it. The format of the video uploaded shall be MP4 or WMV, and the length of it shall not exceed five minutes.

(3) Choose the players

After you have uploaded your video, click at the top right hand corner of the page to enter the page of player selection (where the information of the players has been input), and check the players who have participated in the Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge (video). The number of players selected shall be 11.

After you have selected 11 players, click  to submit your name list. If the number of players selected is not 11, an alert message box will appear.

(4) Submit

After you have uploaded your video for competition and selected the players, click at the bottom of the page to finish online application. Note that when you click “Submit an application”, you have finished your online application for the Long Ball Relay Passing (Team) Challenge, and no information can be modified after submission, so please check your application form and relevant materials carefully before you submit them.

2.6.2 Application for Individual Football Skills Online Competition

The steps of application for the Toilet Roll Keepie-Uppie Challenge are shown as follows:

Click the “apply” button under “Individual Football Skills Online Competition” to enter the page of Instructions for Application of “Toilet Roll Keepie-Uppie Challenge”.

(1) Watch the video introduction

Click the linkat the bottom of the page to watch the video introduction to the competition, which is shown as follows:

After you have watched the video, click at the bottom of the page to enter the page of application for the individual challenge.

(2) Choose the player

The players competing in the individual online challenge shall first be selected. The teams competing in the team online challenge shall submit at least three players of the team to participate in the individual challenge. Click to enter the page of player selection.

After you have clicked the name of the player to compete in the individual challenge, click, which is shown as follows:

(3) Upload the video for competition

When you have selected a player, the application information of that player will be added to the application list. Click of this item of application information to upload the video for competition. The video uploaded shall not be edited or use any special effect, and it shall be submitted in a mainstream format, such as MP4 or WMV. It shall not exceed 100M, and shall be no less than 30 seconds. Videos not following these requirements will be considered invalid.

You may click to watch the video. If you want to modify or delete it, you may click the “X” button after it.

(4) Add the information of the next player: when you have added one item of application information, repeat the steps (2) and (3).

(5) Submit: after you have selected the players and uploaded the videos, click to finish online application. Note that no information can be modified after submission, so please check your application form and relevant materials carefully before you submit them. The application information of each players is independent; so are the material-uploading and submission processes.

2.6.3 Application for Football Song Contest

       The steps of application for Football Song Contest are shown as follows:

Each team can submit at most two videos to compete in the Football Song Contest (one for each type).

Click at the bottom of the page to enter the page of application list, which is shown as follows:

(1) Fill in the application form: click at the top right hand corner of the page to enter the page of application form. The name and country (region) of the team will be retrieved from Team Information, and the contents to be filled in include: Name of Performance, Content (choose one), Participant (when you choose “individual”, please choose the name of the participant in Name of Participant; when you choose “group”, please choose the names of the participants in Name of Participant; when you choose “team as a whole”, the system will automatically select all players of the team), and Introduction.

You may click the “返回” button at the top right hand corner of the page to go back to the page of application list. When you have not finished the whole application form, you may click to save the information temporarily. When you have finished it, click, and the application form is successfully completed, and a new button “upload information” will appear.

(2) Export the application form, and sign and seal it: click to export the completed application form in PDF format to be signed and sealed by the team leader. The application form exported is shown as follows:

(3) Upload materials: after you have clicked the “complete” button, the button appears on the page of application form. Click it to enter the page of material-uploading, where you may upload the signed and sealed application form and your video for competition. The video uploaded shall be in a mainstream format, such as MP4 or WMV. It shall not exceed five minutes or 500M. When it is successfully uploaded, it is temporarily saved. You may click to watch it. If you want to modify or delete it, you may click the “X” button after it.

(4) Submit: After checking the application form and the video, click to finish online application. Note that no application material can be modified after submission, so please check the application form and relevant materials carefully before you submit them.

2.6.4 Application for Football Photography Competition

The steps of application for Football Photography Competition are shown as follows:

All photos uploaded shall be original works. Each participant may upload at most two works (a group of photos is considered a single work).

Click to enter the page of application list, which is shown as follows:

(1) Click the registration button at the top right hand corner. Choose one of the two options.

(2) Fill in the application form: enter the page of application form after you have selected the participant. Click “返回” to go back to the page of application list. All items except Name of Work, Type, Number of Photos, and Introduction are automatically retrieved by the system, and Work Number will be automatically generated after you have saved your work. You may first choose the type, and then fill in the number of photos. If you choose “Single Photo”, “Number of Photos” will be automatically filled in (one/unmodifiable).

If you choose “Group Photos”, you may need to select the number of your photos (2 - 4).

When you have not finished the application form, you may click to save it temporarily. When you have completed it, click, and a new button will appear.

(3) Export the application form, and sign and seal it: click to export your application form in PDF format to be signed and sealed by your team leader. The application form exported is shown as follows:

(4) Upload materials: click to upload your application form and photos for competition on the page of material-uploading. When your works are successfully uploaded, they are temporarily saved, and you may click and to view the materials uploaded. The file size shall be more than 3000*2000 pixels, and shall exceed 2M.

If you want to modify or delete the materials uploaded, you may click the “X” button after them.

(5) Submit: After checking the application form and the photo(s), click to finish online application. Note that no application material can be modified after submission, so please check the application form and relevant materials carefully before you submit them.