赛事简介 A Brief Introduction to the Event

2019中国(上海)国际青少年校园足球邀请赛将于7月8日——14日在上海 举行。届时,国内外16支U17男子校园足球队将进行同场竞技。赛事自2015年 成功举办以来,已进入第五年,对上海乃至国内青少年校园足球发展产生积极影 响,彰显了青少年积极向上、健康成长、奋力拼搏的精神风貌。
本届赛事将继续秉承“活力青春,共筑梦想”理念,由教育部、中华全国归 国华侨联合会和上海市人民政府共同主办,全国青少年校园足球工作领导小组办 公室、上海市教育委员会、上海市体育局、上海市归国华侨联合会、中国中学生 体育协会共同承办。开幕式将于7月8日在上海市曹杨第二中学(曹杨二中)举行, 闭幕式于7月14日晚在华东师范大学第二附属中学附属初级中学(华二附初)举 行,当天下午还将召开主题为“传承·融合·蓄力”的国际青少年校园足球邀请 赛高峰论坛。
参与本届邀请赛的16支参赛队中,6支为国外队伍,分别来自法国、西班 牙、比利时、澳大利亚、秘鲁、喀麦隆。10支国内队伍除了一支是由全国校足办 选拔的中国校园足球高中国家队,其余9支分别来自浙江省、江苏省、安徽省、河 南省、湖南省、新疆维吾尔自治区和东道主上海市(3支)。本届赛事设普陀、闵 行、青浦、杨浦四个分赛区,届时32场比赛赛场分别设在复旦附中青浦分校、曹 杨二中、华二附初、同济一附中。揭幕赛场地设在曹杨二中,决赛场地设在华二 附初。
为丰富赛事的文化内涵,在组织好赛事的同时,组委会还将开展“精彩青足 赛”摄影比赛、“青足赛形象大使”评选、传统文化体验等活动,加强赛事宣传 和文化交融;并通过与上海青少年校园足球精英训练营的交流比赛、交流研讨会 等活动,促进中外青少年、足球教练员的交流互动、携手发展,也让更多上海师 生不出国门,在“家门口”就能看到顶级的国际青少年足球赛,感受足球运动的 魅力。
China (Shanghai) International Youth Football Invitational 2019 will be held during July 8th and July 14th in Shanghai. 16 U17 men school football teams at home and abroad will participate in the event. Since it was successfully held in 2015, the event has entered its fifth year, having a positive impact on the development of youth school football in both Shanghai and China, and demonstrating an active, healthy, and hardworking image of the youths.
Hosted by Ministry of Education, All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and organized by Leading Group Office of National Youth Campus Football, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai Municipal Sports Bureau, Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, and China School Sports Federation, this year’s event will continue to adhere to the idea of “Celebrate Youthful Vitality for the Realization of Our Dreams”. The opening ceremony will be held on July 8th in Shanghai Caoyang No.2 High School, and the closing ceremony on the evening of July 14th in Junior Middle School Affiliated to No.2 High School of East China Normal University, following the China (Shanghai) International Youth Football Invitational Summit 2019 in the afternoon, of which the theme is “Tradition, Integration, and Preparation”.
Among the 16 teams participating in this year’s event, six are foreign teams, respectively from France, Spain, Belgium, Australia, Peru, and Cameroon. The ten domestic teams include the Chinese High School Football National Team organized by the National Campus Football Office and nine local teams from Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Anhui Province, Henan Province, Hunan Province, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Shanghai, the host city (three teams). The event will be held in four sub-areas: Putuo District, Minhang District, Qingpu District, and Yangpu District, and the 32 matches will take place in Qingpu Campus of High School Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai Caoyang No.2 High School, Junior Middle School Affiliated to No.2 High School of East China Normal University, and No.1 High School Affiliated to Tongji University. The opening match will be held in Shanghai Caoyang No.2 High School, and the final in Junior Middle School Affiliated to No.2 High School of East China Normal University.
To add cultural vibes to the event, while guaranteeing the quality organization of the matches, the Organizing Committee will carry out activities including the photography competition of “Wonderful Youth Football Competition”, the selection of the Image Ambassador of the Youth Football Invitational, and the experience of the traditional Chinese culture, in order to strengthen the publicity of the event and promote communication between cultures. Exchange matches and seminars with Shanghai Youth Campus Football Elite Training Camp will be organized to promote interaction between and common development of foreign and domestic youth football players and coaches, and to enable more teachers and students in Shanghai to enjoy top international youth football matches and feel the charm of the sport at home.